11 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Blog
As you begin your journey towards becoming a blogger, you’re going to make mistakes. That’s just part of the process. I'm a huge advocate of learning from your mistakes, but wouldn’t you rather skip making mistakes if you could? I would. That’s why I wrote this post....
How To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing
Can you really make money with a blog? That’s probably one of the most frequently asked questions I get, but I answer it the same way every single time…HECK YES! When it comes to monetizing a blog, there are a handful of ways to go about it. But from my...
How to Measure Blog Traffic With Google Analytics
So, you’ve taken the plunge and you’ve started a blog. Maybe you’ve even written a few blog posts. Shoot, maybe you’ve even started to grow your audience. That’s great, but how do you know whether or not your content is working? How do you know if your blog posts are...
8 Free Lead Magnets That Always Convert
I once heard someone say that starting a blog is like starting a business in the middle of the desert. You’re all alone, no one knows about you, and no one knows where you are. Yikes! That’s a frightening analogy. Luckily, you aren’t in the middle of the desert....
13 Simple Tips to Grow Your Blog With Video
When it comes to growth, adding video to your blog is one of the most effective ways to grow your audience. A larger audience means more eyeballs on your ideas, products, courses, ads, or whatever it is you’re using to earn revenue. The addition of media holds so many...
Top 5 Digital Marketing Blogs That Every Blogger Should Be Reading
Digital marketing is changing the landscape of business as we know it. Ten years ago companies weren’t investing millions of dollars in blogs, social media, SEO, and content marketing. Additionally, entrepreneurs weren’t building multimillion-dollar ventures from...
How to Find a Hungry Audience and Get Your First 1000 Email Subscribers
When it comes to starting a blog, or any type of online venture for that matter, one of the first things you’ll need to know is who you’re creating content for. If you understand who your audience is, you’ll be able to see the world through their lens and present them...
Rock Solid Elements of a Profitable Blog
What makes a blog profitable? Well, technically, profit is calculated by subtracting your total costs from your revenue. In layman’s terms, subtract what you spent from how much money you made and whatever’s left over is profit. Pretty simple, right? I wish it were...
5 Technical Skills Every New Blogger Should Have in 2016
When you make the decision to become a blogger, you’re also making the decision to take on some tech skills that might make you a little uncomfortable at first. Shoot, when I first started blogging I honestly had no idea what HTML was. Whenever I looked at the code, I...
5 Tools to Help Your Blog Posts Stay on Schedule
Some of the best advice I’ve ever received about blogging was to just stay consistent. But how do you stay consistent? You stick to a schedule. Now, if you’re anything like me, the idea of a schedule makes your brain hurt. I was never a planner, and having to plan...